
1st lesson (7:45-8:30)

- Presentation of the EU Member States (Part A)
Pupils-delegates presented their countries by using PowerPoint presentations, interactive board, short videos, songs, drawings. A discussion followed with feedback-questions.

2nd lesson (8:40-9:25)

- Presentation of the EU Member States (Part B)
Pupils-delegates presented their countries by using PowerPoint presentation, interactive board, short videos, songs, drawings. A discussion followed with feedback-questions. 
Pupils-delegates voted for the best presentation. The winner was Austria.

3rd lesson (9:40-10:25)

Topic: Environment - Climate change

- Video: Go for a walk!
Description: It's good if one person plants a tree. Two is even better. Plant the idea in your friends' heads - check out the video and spread it like a weed!

- Video: Hit a tree

- What can you do to fight climate change?
PowerPoint presentation with tips and advices for being part of the solution to the problem of climate change and reduce our carbon footprint at School, at home, at our planet. 

- What about my carbon footprint? - interactive quiz
Pupils measured their carbon footprint in this interactive quiz by answering to simple questions about their food, their travel attitude, their habits at home and the stuff that they use.

4th lesson (10:40-11:25)

Topic: Environment - Climate change

- Making a board game for the environment! - activity

Pupils designed their own board game for the environment (emphasis was given to climate change, biodiversity and recycling) by using material from the website Environment for young Europeans and the EUBookshop's publication "Clean up your act!". 

5th lesson (11:35-12:20)

Topics: Innovation, Creativity, Technology

- Video: The common charger
Description: Every time we change our phone we usually get a new charger, which leads to an enormous amount of unnecessary charger waste. This affects both consumers and the environment. But thanks to the EU Commission, Europe's major mobile phone manufacturers have now agreed to adopt a universal charger for data-enabled mobile phones sold in the EU. 

- One charger for all - Let's plug
PowerPoint presentation about the common charger for mobile phones which is an initiative of the European Commission and has got benefits for both the environment and the citizens.
You can find our more about the common charger here

- Discussion about the importance of innovation, creativity and technology to our lives.

- The parts of the Project Plan
PowerPoint presentation about the parts of the Project Plan:
- Objectives
- Name
- Design
- Materials, tools & equipments
- Procedure
- Evaluation 

- My innovation challenge - activity
Each pupil will have to think about one project which will make the life of EU citizens easier. The following websites were presented to the pupils in order to inspire them:
> DG Enterprise and Industry
> European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009 
> EuroCreator
> Blog Innovation unlimited